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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1270   View pdf image (33K)
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district shall, upon the written request of such owner or owners,
cause a plan of such section of roads so to be improved to be
made, in which shall be given the levels and distances and
also specifications which shall state the materials that can be
used, and the manner of using them, and a copy of such plan,
specifications, and bids shall be then submitted to the Board
of County Road Commissioners, and if such board shall
approve them it shall then be lawful for such owner or owners
to proceed to build such section of road according to the
plan and specifications, and, hav'e control of the expenditure
of money need to make such improvement, subject to the
approval and supervision of the Board of District Road Com-
missioners or some one designated by them ; and upon the com-
pletion of the improvement to the satisfaction of the said Board,
and upon the submission to them of receipts showing full pay-
ment for materials furnished and work done under the specifil
cations, the said Board of District Road Commissioners shal-
file a certificate with the clerk of the Board of County Com-
missioners of said county, which certificate shall state the com-
pletion of the improvement and the cost thereof, and thereafter
such section of road so improved shall be a county road of such
class as may be determined.

203 s. It shall be unlawful for any highway to be dug up for

Unlawful to
dig up high-
ways, etc.

laying or placing pipes, sewers, posts, wires, railways or other

purposes, and no tree shall be planted or removed or obstruc-
tion placed thereon, except by the written consent of the Board
of District Road Commissioners, and then only in accordance
with the rules and regulations of eaid Board of District Road
Commissioners ; and in all such cases the work shall be executed
under the supervision and satisfaction of said Commissioners,
and the entire expense of replacing the highway in as good
condition as before shall be paid by the parties to whom the
consent was given or by whom the work was done.

203 T. Any person desiring to make a private road leading

Permission to
be secured.

into and connecting with a county road, shall first secure per-
mission so to do from the District Board of Road Commis-
sioners, and any road, bridge or culvert so desired or necessary
to be built, must be built in accordance with the requirements
and specifications of said Board, and at the cost of such person
so building the same. If such roadway, bridge, culvert or
other entrance to or connection with a public road is not'done
in accordance with the directions of said Board of District
Road Commissioners, then such shall be deemed an obstruction
upon such highway, and the same may be removed and the

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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1270   View pdf image (33K)
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