to re-enact the same with amendments, provid-
ing for additional pay to the crier of the circuit
court, and also to repeal sections twenty-one and
twenty-two of chapter one hundred and eight of
the acts of assembly passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled
"An act to add an additional articte to the Code
of Public Local Laws, to be entitled 'Garrett
county,'" sub-titles "County Surveyor" and
" Crier," respectively ........................................
No. 4. An act to repeal chapter two hundred and
eight of the acts of assembly passed at January
session, eighteen hundred and eighty six, en-
titled "An act to lay out and establish a new
election district in Garrett county out of the
first and tenth election districts, a id to be called
district number twelve."....................................
No. 5. An act to repeal chapter eighty-six of the
acts of assembly passed at the January session,
eighteen hundred and eighty-six entitled "An
act to regulate the trial of causes before justices
of the peace for Garrett county,'' and to enact
the following sections in lieu thereof, requiring
security for costs ..............................................
No. 6. An act to repeal chapter tvo hundred and
seventy-two of the acts of assembly passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and eighty-
four, entitled "An act to authorize and empower
the sheriff of Garrett county to employ a warden
for the county jail of said county," and to enact
a section in lieu thereof, fixing the compensation
of the sheriff of said county for conveying per-
sons from said county to state institutions..........
No. 7. An act to repeal section ten of chapter two
hundred and one of the acts of eighteen hundred
and eighty-six, entitled "An act to incorporate
the town of Deer Park, in Garrett county," and
to re-enact the same with amendments, and to
add additional sections thereto, to be known as
sub-sections one and two, respectively................
No. 8. An act to repeal sections forty-three and
one hundred and thirty-three of chapter one hun-