dred and eight of the acts of assembly passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy -
eight, entitled "An act to add an additional arti-
cle to the Code of Public Local Laws, to be
entitled 'Garrett county,' sub-titles 'Jurors'
and 'Witnesses,'" respectively, and to re-enact
the same with amendments................................
No. 9. An act to repeal sections eleven, twelve and
thirteen of chapter one hundred and thirty-five
of t'he acts of the General Assembly of Maryland
passed at the January session, eighteen hundred
and eighty-six, entitled "An act to repeal chap-
ter ninety-six of the acts of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland passed at the session of the
year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, as
amended by chapter fifty-two of the acts of
assembly passed at the session of eighteen hun-
dred and eighty -four, relating to the protection
of rabbits and partridges, and to permit the
shooting of ducks and other wild fowl from
shore over decoys ; also to pay a bounty upon
heads of hawks and large owls in Kent county,
and to re-enact the same as follows....................
No. 10. An act to repeal chapter five hundred and
seven of the acts of assembly passed at the Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and eighty-six,
entitled "An act to add additional sub-sections to
article fifty-six of the Code of Public General
Laws, entitled "License,'" so far as the same
applies to Garrett county...................................
No. 11. An act to appropriate a sum of money to
pay Montgomery Clagett, late collector of state
taxes for the fourth collection district of Mont-
gomery county, the amount overpaid by him into
the treasury........................................................
No. 12. An act providing for the appointment
of justices of the peace for election districts
number four, five, six and fourteen in Allegany
county ...............................................................
No. 13. An act authorizing Erastus Handy, trus-
tee, to sell the real estate of Mary M. Horsey