No. 3.
Joint resolution recommending the continuance
of the relations between the State Live Stock
Sanitary Board of Maryland and the bureau
of animal industry of the United States.
WHEREAS the contagious disease known as
pleuro-pneumonia exists to such an extent in
portions of the United States as to greatly dam-
age the animal industry ; and, whereas, the ex-
istence of such disease is due, in the first in-
stance, to the lack of proper quarantine regula-
tions on the part of the federal government
against known infected foreign countries ; there-
fore —
Resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it is the duty of the federal govern-
ment to defray the expense of extirpating such
Resolved, That it is unwise and of doubtful
Duty of feder-
al government
constitutionality for the general government to
undertake alone to regulate within, the limits of
a state matters quarantine, and the numerous
petty penalties connected therewith, elsewhere
than at ports of entry, and in respect of imported
or exported cattle.
Resolved further, That the present system of
Unwise and
of doubtful
co-operation between the State Live Stock Sani-
tary Board and the federal authorities is the
best and only practical plan for eradicating and
preventing such" diseases ; and the thanks of
this body are hereby cordially tendered to the
commissioner of agriculture and the bureau of
animal industry of the United States for their
efficient co-operation with our state authorities
in accomplishing these objects ; and this gen-
eral assembly does heartily recommend the con-
tinuance of these relations, which have been
productive of so much good.
Thanks ten-
dered to.