dred and eighty-seven, that the following items
still stand charged upon the books of his office,
and that the same are published from year to
year in the comptroller's report, to wit : George
W. Hoover, late register of wills, Allegany
county, $1,293.41 ; Leander Warren, late notary
public, Baltimore city, $213.06 ; Lewis Sutton,
late notary public, Baltimore city, $6,030 ; L. G.
Norwood, late clerk court common pleas, Balti-
more city, $5,350; W. J. Hamill, late clerk court
common pleas, Baltimore city, $2,163: Nathaniel
Hickman, late register of wills, Baltimore city,
$7,438.18; T. H. Gardner, late clerk criminal
court, Baltimore city, $2,499 ; Richard France,
late lottery contractor, Baltimore city, $12,750.
And, whereas, the state's attorney for Baltimore
city recommends that the same be stricken from
the books of the comptroller as worthless and
uncollectable ; therefore —
Strike out cer-
tain items
from books.
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the comptroller be and he is
hereby authorized to strike said items from the
books of his office, and to discontinue the fur-
ther publication of the same in his annual report.