Assented to by the General Assembly of Maryland, at a
Session begun on the Fourth day of January,
1888, and ended on the Second day
of April, 1888.
No. I.
Senate joint resolution requiring the bureau of
Industrial Statistics and Information to col-
lect facts respecting female and child labor.
WHEREAS there is a great increase of female
and child labor employed in the several manu-
facturing industries of the state; and, whereas, it
is important that such labor should be carefully
supervised and protected by law; and, whereas,
no reliable facts have heretofore been collected
respecting this special class of industrial work-
ers —
Se it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the chief of the bureau of. industrial
statistics and information be and he is hereby
instructed to make a careful, full and complete
examination of the actual condition of such labor
in the state, including the number, sex, ages,
nationalities, wages, sanitary condition of places
of employment and educational standard, and
to report the full result of said investigation,
together with such recommendations as he may
think proper, to the next general assembly of
this state.
Make exami-
nation and re-