sidewalks paved, repaved or repaired, but the
said examiner or examiners, before proceeding
so to do, shall make an estimate of the probable
cost of said paving, repaving or repairing, in-
cluding all the expenses attending the said mat-
ter, and said costs and expenses shall be col-
lected in manner following, viz : The whole
amount estimated by the said examiner or ex-
aminers to be necessary shall be assessed pro-
rata on all the ground bounding and fronting on
said footways or sidewalks and except when
said footways or sidewalks cross open streets or
thoroughfares, which shall be paid by the county
commissioners of Baltimore county out of the
general tax levy of said county ; the same shall
be a lien thereon until paid, and shall be col-
lected as provided for the collections of other
assessments for the opening of streets, avenues
or alleys, in Baltimore county. After all the as-
Advertise for
sessments shall have been collected by said ex-
aminer or examiners, he or they shall advertise
for sealed proposals for the grading, paving or
repaving said footways or sidewalks; and said
advertisement shall be in the same manner as
provided for in the sub-title regulating the open-
ing, condemning of streets, avenues, and the
awarding of the contract and the grading and
construction of said footways or sidewalks shall
be regulated as provided for in the sub-title just
referred to.
SEC. 22. And be it enacted^ That the county
commissioners of Baltimore county shall cause
Give notice.
a copy of the notice or order aforesaid to be
given or served on the owner or owners of the
lot or lots in front of which a footway or side-
walk is required to be filled up, dug down,
paved, repaved or repaired in the following man-
ner, viz : the said order or copy thereof, may be
left at any house on such lot, or may be served
personally on the owner or owners thereof, his,
her or their tenants, agents or guardians, or left
at his, her or their residence ; or a copy of such
order may be published once a week for three
successive weeks in one or more newspapers
published in Baltimore county, and once a week
for three successive weeks, in one or more news-
papers published in Baltimore city ; and any