benefits assessed by him or them, to be approved
by the county commissioners, conditioned for
the true and faithful performance of his or their
duty as examiner or examiners, which bond shall
be to the State of Maryland, and inure to the
benefit of any person or persons aggrieved, in-
jured or damaged in any manner by the pro-
ceedings of said examiner or examiners.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That the county
commissioners of Baltimore county shall have
full power and authority to grade, regulate and
keep in repair the footways or sidewalks of all
open and traveled streets, avenues and alleys
in Baltimore county according to and in con-
formity with such rules and regulations as are
recognized in and provided for in the Baltimore
City Code for the construction, grading and
keeping in repair of footways or sidewalks in
the city of Baltimore.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the county
commissioners of Baltimore county are hereby
authorized and directed, in all cases where the
Power and
authority to
grade streets,
owner or owners of ground fronting on any of
the streets, avenues or alleys in Baltimore county
cannot be found at the time or times when the
footways or sidewalks of said streets, avenues
or alleys are out of order, to cause to be pub-
lished in one or more newspapers published in
Baltimore county, once a week for three succes-
sive weeks, and in one or more newspapers pub-
lished in Baltimore city, once a week for three
successive weeks, that the footways or side-
walks in front of the ground or premises re-
ferred to and specified in said advertisements
are out of order or in want of repair, and to
cause to be published a notice of their inten-
tions, or by personal service of said notice on
the owner to have said footways or sidewalks
paved, repaved or repaired as the case may be;
and in case said footways or sidewalks in
front of said grounds or premises as set out in
said notice shall not be paved, repaved or
repaired within the time specified in said
Publish notice-
notice published as aforesaid, the said county
commissioners shall appoint one examiner,
or three examiners as the case may be,
to take charge of and have said footways or
Appoint ex-