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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 890   View pdf image (33K)
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seine, weir, fykes, pound or trap net, drag net,
stir net, set net, sledging, gigging, or any snare
or device whatsoever, except by angling with
hand line, or rod, and held in hand, or by dip or
hand net. All trot or out-lines, nets, seines and
other devices, except fish pots, forbidden by this
section to be used, are hereby declared to be
nuisances and contraband ; and any person
finding the same in the waters of said county, or
adjacent thereto, is authorized to destroy such
contraband articles, and no action for damages


shall lie against him for such destruction. Any
person violating any provision of this section
shall, upon conviction before any justice of the
peace of said county, forfeit and pay a fine of
not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dol-
lars, and the costs of the prosecution, and in de-
fault of payment of said fine and costs, to be
committed to the jail of said county for a period
of not less than ten nor more than thirty days.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That no person

Penalty for
using drugs

shall catch or kill, or attempt to catch or kill, any
fish in the waters of said county at any time
with any poison or drug, or by the discharge of
any fire-arms of any description. Any person
violating any provisions of this section shall
upon conviction before any justice of the peace
of said county, forfeit and pay a fine of not less
than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred
dollars for each offence; an upon the failure
to pay said fine, together with the costs of the
prosecution, shall be imprisoned in the jail of
said county for a period of not less than thirty
nor more than sixty days.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That no person
shall at any time wilfully molest or disturb, take

Penalty for

or catch, destroy or kill any of the fish men-
tioned in sections one and two of this act while
they are upon their natural spawning beds.
Nor shall any person catch or take, kill or de-
stroy any of the fish mentioned in sections one
and two of this act by shutting off, or drawing
off any portion of the waters in said county.
Any person violating any provision of this sec-
tion shall, upon conviction before any justice of
the peace of said county, forfeit and pay a fine
of twenty dollars for each offence, and upon

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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 890   View pdf image (33K)
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