SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall not be
lawful for any person to catch or kill, or attempt
to catch or kill, in the waters of said county, or
have in his possession in said county, or sell or
offer for sale in said county, any speckled or
brook trout, California or rainbow trout, brown
or German trout, lake or salmon trout, Rocky
Mountain or black spotted trout, land-locked
salmon or white fish, in any manner between
the first day of Beptember and the thirty-first
day of March, both days inclusive, in each
year ; nor shall any person at any time catch or
take from the waters of said county, or have in
his possession, or sell or offer for sale within
said county any speckled or brook trout, Cali-
fornia or rainbow trout, brown or German trout,
or Rocky Mountain or black spotted trout, of
less length than eight inches from the snout to
the end of the caudal fin ; nor shall any person
at any time catch or take from the waters of
said county, or have in his possession, or sell or
offer for sale within said county any lake or
salmon trout, land-locked salmon or white fish
of less length than ten inches from the end of
the snout to the end of the caudal fin. Any
person who shall catch or take from the waters
of said county any fish mentioned in this sec-
tion of less length than is herein specified shall
immediately place such fish back in the waters
from which it was taken, and shall use due care
Time in which
it is unlawful.
not to kill or injure the same. Any person .
violating any of the provisions of this section
shall, upon conviction before any justice of the
peace of said county, forfeit and pay a fine of
five dollars and the costs of the prosecution for
attempting to catch or kill any of said fish as
herein forbidden, and five dollars for each fish
so caught, taken, killed, sold, offered for sale
or had in his possession ; and, in default of pay-
ment of said fine and costs, shall be committed
to the jail of said county for a period of not less
than five nor more than thirty days.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no person shall
catch, or attempt to catch, kill, or attempt to
kill in the waters of said county, any of the fish
named in sections one and two of this act, with
or by means of any fish pot, trot or out-line,