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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 885   View pdf image (33K)
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said notice to be posted on the premises at
least ten days before the day of sale, and in
case the property so assessed is susceptible of
division, said examiner or examiners shall select
two appraisers who shall go upon the property,
value the same, and lay off and have surveyed
so much thereof as in their judgment shall be
sufficient to pay said assessment, together with
the costs of the examiner or examiners, and the
costs of the appraisement and survey aforesaid, as
well as the costs attending said sale ; but before


said appraisers shall act in the matter, they
shall take an oath before some justice of the
peace of Baltimore county that they will act
fairly and justly in the discharge of their duties
as such appraisers (and for their services as ap-
praisers they shall each receive two dollars per
day), but if the amount of said assessment and
all the costs incurred by the examiner or exami-
ners, or surveyor and appraisers be paid before
the time fixed for the sale, then further proceed-
ings shall cease. When any real estate shall be
sold under the provisions of this section, the sale
shall be for cash, and shall be reported to the
circuit court for Baltimore county or the Balti-
more city court, upon which report there shall
be a brief order nisi published as in cases of
judicial sale by trustees, and if the court shall
find that the provisions of this section have been
complied with, the sale shall be ratified ; and in
all cases of the sale of real estate under this
act, the owner thereof may redeem the same at
any time within two years from day of sale by re-
payment to the purchaser thereof of the amount
paid by him with the interest thereon at the rate
of ten per centum per annum from the day of
sale. And all assessments for benefits that
shall not have been paid within ninety days

Shall take oath

from the ratification of the proceedings in the
matter, shall bear interest from the expiration
of said ninety days until paid, and shall be col-
lected by said examiner or examiners with the
amount assesed; and in the event of the pur-
chaser or purchasers failing forthwith to comply
with the terms of said sale, the examiner or
examiners shall re-sell the same at the risk of
the former purchaser, giving not less than ten

to bear inter-

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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 885   View pdf image (33K)
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