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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 886   View pdf image (33K)
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days' notice in one or more newspapers published
in Baltimore county, and in one or more news-
papers of general circulation published in Balti-
more city ; and when the examiner or examiners
shall receive the full amount of the purchase
money on such sale, the said examiner or exami-
ners shall execute a deed of conveyance in favor
of the purchaser or purchasers, which deed shall
convey a fee simple or leasehold estate in and to
such property; and after deducting the amount
of assessment, or such portion of the same as
may be due and unpaid, the cost of sales, adver-
tising and other necessary expenses, the balance
shall be paid or tendered to be paid to the person
or persons legally entitled to receive the same ;
and if such balance should not be demanded
of the examiner or examiners within sixty days
after the receipt of the same, the said ex-
aminer or examiners shall make application
in the usual manner to have said balance de-
posited in the circuit court for Baltimore
county ; and all expenses of such proceed-
ing shall be paid out of the said balance; pro-
vided that nothing in this section contained
shall prevent the examiner or examiners from
receiving such amount as may be assessed in
different sums and instalments, where the said
sums are paid voluntarily, and the said examiner
or examiners shall deem it advisable to receive
such instalments ; but if any portion of the
amount of assessment should be paid, and the
person or persons who are legally entitled to pay
the assessments should refuse to pay the balance,
then said balance shall be collected in the manner
hereinbefore provided for ; and whenever any
assessment is collected, or any portion of the

Must deposit
in bank.

same shall be received by the examiner or exam-
iners, the amount shall be deposited in some
bank in the city of Baltimore or in the Towson
National Bank, and all such moneys shall be
paid out by such bank upon the check, order or
warrant of the examiner or examiners depositing
the same and having charge of the proceedings
in the matter ; whenever a street, avenue or
alley, or part thereof, or a thoroughfare shall be
completed, or any work provided by this sub-
title shall be finished, and all the costs and

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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 886   View pdf image (33K)
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