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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 884   View pdf image (33K)
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amount of benefits assessed, and the difference
shall be the amount due and payable ; and no
part of any street, avenue or alley or thorough-
fare shall be opened, graded and constructed
over the land ; and no buildings or improvements
of any kind shall be taken possession of for
which said damages were awarded without the
written consent of the owner or owners thereof
until such difference is paid, or tendered to be
paid, to the parties legally entitled to receive the
same ; any assessments made for benefits under
this sub-title shall be a tax and lien on the prop-
erty upon which the same is assessed, and shall be
due and collectable at any time after the statement
and proceedings of the examiner or examiners
shall be satisfied and confirmed as herein pro-
vided for; and after such ratification and con-

Notify owners

firmation the said examiner or examiners shall
proceed forthwith to notify the owner or owners
of the property assessed for benefits by means of
bills, specifying the sum so assessed, and warn-
ing them that if the same is not paid within
sixty days from the date of said bill, the said
examiner or examiners will either proceed to
sell the specific piece or parts of property on
which such unpaid sum or sums of money shall
have been assessed, or by instituting an action
of assumpsit for the amount of money assessed
upon the owner or owners of said piece of prop-
erty before the circuit court of the county, or
such court of Baltimore city as may have juris-
diction in the matter, or before a justice of the
peace if the amount be less than one hundred
dollars, and recovering a judgment for said
amount, which said judgment may be enforced
against the estate and property of the party so
assessed; and if the said examiner or examiners
shall proceed to sell the specific piece or parts of
property on which such unpaid sum of money

Must sive

shall have been assessed, he or they shall pro-
ceed as follows, viz: By giving not less than
thirty days' notice of said sale by publication in
one or more newspapers, published in Baltimore
county, once a week, and in one or more news-
papers of general circulation, published in Balti-
more city, twice a week for three successive
weeks: and he or they shall cause a copy of

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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 884   View pdf image (33K)
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