of whom shall be elected by a majority of
the private stockholders of said college in
Board— how
the manner now provided by law ; provided,
that four of the five shall be residents of the
State of Maryland and one of the District
of Columbia, and the following six named per-
sons shall represent the state interest in said
board, namely, the governor, comptroller, treas-
urer, president of the senate, speaker of the
house of delegates and attorney general, and
the United States commissioner of agriculture
shall be ex-officio one of said board, and one per-
son from each of the congressional districts of
this state who shall be a practical farmer, or
immediately interested in agricultural pursuits,
who shall be appointed by the governor by and
with the consent of the senate, to be classified
as follows : Two for the term of two years, two
for the term of four years, and the remainder for
the term of six years, all to date from the first
day of February, eighteen hundred and eighty-
eight ; and thereafter the term of all such ap-
pointments shall be for the term of six years,
except that appointments to fill vacancies occur-
ing otherwise than by expiration of term shall
be only for the unexpired portion of the term so
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1888.
Chapter 337.
AN ACT to authorize the county commissioners
of Charles county to pay certain sums of
money to Ethelbert Bowie, senior, Henry G.
Robertson, Henry Owen and Columbus E.
Roby, of said county, for taxes erroneously
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the county commis-
sioners of Charles county be and they are