Chapter 322.
AN ACT to regulate the price of illuminating
gas in Baltimore, city.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
Price limited.
sembly of Maryland, That no corporation or per-
son shall charge for illuminating gas in Balti-
more city a sum to exceed one dollar and twenty-
five cents per thousand cubic feet.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the illumin-
ating gas furnished by any such corporation or
person shall have an illuminating power not less
than twenty sperm candles of six to the pound,
and burning at the rate one hundred and twenty
grains of spermaceti per hour, tested at a distance
of not less than one mile from the place of man-
ufacture by a burner consuming five cubic feet
of gas per hour, and shall, as regards purity,
comply with the standard now or hereafter
established by law.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts and
parts of acts inconsistent with this act are
hereby repealed.
Approved March 31, 1888.
Chapter 323.
AN ACT to authorize the clerk of the circuit
court for Harford county to make out a gen-
eral index to the land records in his office, and
to provide for the paying for the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That immediately upon the
Shall appoint.
passage of this act the resident judge of the
circuit court for Harford county shall appoint a
committee, composed of the clerk of said court
and two members of the bar thereof in active
practice, to formulate and prepare a new plan or
system for the indexing of all deeds, convey-
ances and other papers required by law to be
recorded amongst the land records of said court,
which committee shall report said plan to said