Chapter 19.
AN ACT to extend and enlarge the privileges
and powers of the Piedmont and Cumberland
Railway Company, incorporated under the act
of assembly of this state, passed at the Janu-
ary session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
six, chapter two hundred and forty-two, enti-
tled "An act to provide for the creation and
regulation of incorporated companies in the
State of Maryland, and its supplements."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the Piedmont and
Cumberland Railway Company, a corporation
duly incorporated in the year eighteen hundred
and eighty-six, and whose articles of incorpora-
tion were duly recorded in the office of the sec-
retary of state of Maryland under the provi-
sions of the act of the general assembly, passed
in January, eighteen hundred and seventy-six,
chapter two hundred and forty-two, entitled
"An act to provide for the creation and regula-
tion of incorporated companies in the State of
Maryland, for the purpose of constructing and
maintaining and operating a railroad in Mary-
land, between a point in Allegany county, Mary-
land, opposite to the junction of the West Vir-
ginia Central and Pittsburg Railway Company,
with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
above Piedmont, in West Virginia, to a point at
or near the city of Cumberland, in said Allegany
county," shall, in addition to the powers granted
under the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-
six, chapter two hundred and forty-two, and its
supplements hereby ratified, have the power to
unite, connect and consolidate with any railroad
company or companies, either in or out of this
state, so that the capital stock of the said com-
panies, so united, connected and consolidated,
respectively, may, at the pleasure of the direc-
Constitute a
common stock
tors, constitute a common stock, and the respec-
tive companies may thereafter constitute one
company and be entitled to all the rights, privi-
leges, immunities, which each of them possess.