sioners of Anne Arundel county to build a bridge
over the Severn river in Anne Arundel county,"
&c.; and chapter four hundred and seventy-six
of the acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-four,
so far as the same is amendatory of said act of
eighteen hundred and eighty, chapter one hun-
dred and sixty-five, be and the same hereby are
repealed and re-enacted with amendments so to
read as follows :
SECTION THREE. — Upon the completion of the
said bridge the said county commissioners shall
keep said bridge as a free bridge.
SECTION FOUR. — The said county commissioners
are hereby authorized to erect and maintain, at
Bridge to be
or near the end of said bridge, a house for the
bridge-keeper, and are directed to appoint, an-
nually, some competent and reliable person to
act as bridge-keeper who shall be always on the
spot, in person or by deputy, to give free pas-
sage, by raising or removing the draw, to all
such vessels or steamers as may approach said
bridge for the purpose of passing through the
Erect house
for bridge-
same ; the said keeper shall give bond to the said
county commissioners with good and sufficient
security, to be approved by them, in the penal
sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the
faithful and efficient discharge of his duties, and
shall receive for his services such compensation
as said county commissioners shall think just
and proper.
Keeper to
give bond.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 29, 1888.