Bornheim, M. Hess, Samuel Greensfelder, Jacob
Sternheimer, M. Daniels, Solomon Wasserman,
Theodore Rothschild, Simon Wolf, W. M. Bass,
Abraham Fisher, L. Gradwohl, A. L. Salzstein,
Samuel Gaiis, S. Rice, Moses Eisenman, being
members of District Grand Lodge, Number Five,
Independent Order Bnai Brith, embracing, at
present, within its jurisdiction, the States of
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro-
lina, and Georgia and the District of Columbia,
and such other persons, being members of said
Grand Lodge, as the incorporators, hereinbefore
named, may associate with themselves, and their
successors, be and they are hereby declared to
be a corporation and a body politic, by the name
and title of District Grand Lodge, Number Five,
Independent Order Bnai Brith ; and by that
name shall have continued and perpetual suc-
cession, and may, at all times hereafter, have
power to acquire by purchase, or in any other
manner whatsoever, and to hold, employ, man-
age and deal with, property, real, personal and
mixed, and situated in or out of the State of
Maryland, and the same, at pleasure, to convey,
transfer, or dispose of, in such manner not in-
consistent with law, as they may think proper.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said cor-
Capable in law
poration and its successors, by the name afore-
said, shall be forever thereafter capable in law
to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
answer and be answered unto, defend and be de-
fended in any court of law or equity, and before
any judge, officer or person whatsoever in all
and singular actions, matters or demands what-
Have seal.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall and
may be lawful for the said corporation to have
and use a common seal, and the same, at its will
and pleasure, to change, alter and make anew,
from time to time, as it may think best.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said cor-
Adopt laws.
poration may adopt such laws not inconsistent
with law as it may think proper for the election
of officers; for prescribing the terms and mode
of constituting membership in said corporation ;
for the regulation and government of its affairs ;
for constituting and governing subordinate