of indebtedness, shall be paid to the treasurer of
Disposition or
the state, upon the warrant of the comptroller ;
and such proceeds shall be used exclusively for
the redemption and payment of the sterling
bonds, or evidences of sterling indebtedness, of
this state, referred to in the preamble of this act.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the sum of
twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as
for expenses.
may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of
any money in the treasury not otherwise appro-
priated, for the payment and settlement of all
amounts or differences of interest required to be
paid by the state in making any of the exchanges
authorized by this act, and not hereinbefore or
otherwise provided for, and for the payment of
the expenses of the engraving, or printing, and
other expenses connected with the issue of the
Exchange Loan authorized by this act, and for
the payment of the advertising directed by this
act, and of all incidental expenses necessarily
connected with the execution of the provisions
of this act ; and the said sum of money, hereby
How paid.
appropriated, shall be paid, as required, by the
treasurer of this state, upon the warrant of the
comptroller of the treasury, upon vouchers ap-
proved by the comptroller of the treasury.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the date of its passage.
Approved March 31, 1888.