lars worth of taxable property, of all kinds and
descriptions, within the corporate limits of the
town of Centreville, to pay the interest on the
outstanding bonds by them issued, under the
provisions of this act, as the same shall fall due,
and to gradually redeem and retire such bonds
until they shall all have been redeemed and re-
tired, and the proceeds of such tax shall be col-
lected by the said commissioners, and forthwith
by them applied to the redemption of said bonds,
when and as soon as they shall become redeem-
able, and the said taxes are hereby inviolably
dedicated to the payment of the interest and
principal of said bonds, and the said commis-
sioners may cause an assessment and valuation
of all property, of all kinds and description, with-
in the corporate limits of said town, to be made
between the first day of April and the first day
of May, in each and every year, for the purpose
of gratifying the provisions of this act, and any
person feeling himself aggrieved by an assess-
ment or valuation of his property, so assessed or
valued, for the purposes of this act, may appeal
to the circuit court for Queen Anne's county, at
any time within thirty days after he has received
notice in writing of assessment or valuation.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commis-
sioners of Centreville be and they are hereby
Cause assess-
ment and val-
uation to be
authorized and empowered to take the sense of
the people of the said town of Centreville in re-
lation to the issuing of the bonds provided for
in this act, by submitting the question to the
qualified voters of said town on such day, and
at such place in said town, and between such
hours of the day as the said commissioners may
order and direct ; which submission and election
shall be as soon as the said commissioners may
determine after the passage of this act, after
giving ten days' notice of such submission and
election, to be published and printed in the two
newspapers of said town of Centreville ; and at
such election the qualified voters of said town
Who submit-
ted to.
are authorized to cast a ballot "For water-
works," or a ballot "Against water-works,"
and the result of such election shall be certified
by the judges thereof to the said commissioners
of Centreville ; and if the majority of the votes
Ballots— how