Chapter 188.
AN ACT to authorize the commissioners of Cen-
treville to issue bonds to an amount not ex-
ceeding twenty thousand dollars, for the pur-
pose of erecting, building, working, running,
maintaining and keeping in repair water-works
in the town of Centreville, Queen Anne's coun-
ty, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
Who and how
to issue bonds.
sembly of Maryland, That the commissioners of
Centreville be and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to issue bonds in the name of the
commissioners of Centreville, in sums not less
than one hundred dollars nor more than one
thousand dollars, to be signed by the commis-
sioners of Centreville, not exceeding, in the
whole, the sum of twenty thousand dollars, bear-
Rate of inter-
ing interest at the rate of not more than six per
centum per annum, payable semi-annually, in
each and every year, and dated on the day of
their issue, and the same shall be exempt from
county and municipal taxation.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the said bonds
Bonds— how
shall be issued, payable seventeen years from the
date thereof, and redeemable at any time after
the expiration of ten years from the date thereof,
at the pleasure of the said commissioners, and
the said bonds shall be consecutively numbered
as the same shall be issued.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said sum
How used and
of twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary for this purpose, shall be,
by the said commissioners of Centreville, used
and applied exclusively to the payment of the
costs and expenses of erecting, building, work-
ing, running, maintaining and keeping in repair
water-works, and the plant for the same, for the
town of Centreville, as the said commissioners
may order and direct.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said com-
Who to levy
special tax.
missioners of Centreville be and they are hereby
authorized, empowered and required, in each and
every year, to levy and collect a special tax, not
exceeding ten cents on every one hundred dol-