payment of such notes, judgments or evidences
of debt, either wholly or in part, at such time
or times as the president and directors shall
demand, and of all legal charges that may be
incurred in enforcing payment thereof in case
of neglect or refusal to pay by the drawers of
such notes or other evidences of debt ; and any
sale, mortgage or transfer of such real estate
subsequent to the execution of such note, judg-
ment or other evidences of debt, and during the
time they are in existence, shall not invalidate
or prejudice the lien created thereon by the
making and delivery of such notes, or other evi-
dences of debt ; and such real estate shall only
be released from liability or lien thereon on full
payment of all such notes, or other evidences of
debt, or such part thereof as may be demanded
by the president and directors of said company
and the cancelling of the insurance, or insur-
ances, for which they were given as premiums,
under such regulations as the president and
directors of said company may establish.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That whenever a
How released.
loss shall occur which the said company are
liable to pay, it shall be the duty of the direc-
tors at their next meeting, after they shall have
been notified of such loss, to cause an accurate
statement to be made of the proportion or sum
to be contributed by each member to make good
the said loss to the person suffering the same,
and notify the members of the said company of
the same ; and if at the expiration of sixty days
from the date of such notice, any member of
said company shall have failed to pay his, her
or their contribution aforesaid, it shall be law-
ful for the said board of directors to enforce the
payment of the same in the manner hereinafter
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That any guardian
Losses occur-
ing— how met.
may insure any barn, buildings or other property
which the ward or wards of such guardian may
own, either jointly with others or in severalty,
and such insurance to have the same lien and
effect in all respects as if such minor or minors
were of full age and had made such insurance
for him, her or themselves.
Who may