Assembly of Maryland of the January session,
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter
four hundred and fifty-three, be and the same
s hereby amended so far as the same relates to
the fourth election district of Queen Anne's
county by adding the two following sections
thereto, to be numbered sections five and six :
SEC. 5. That the terms and provisions of said
act of assembly be and the same are hereby
amended, enlarged and extended so as to em-
brace and include therein the prohibition of the
sale of intoxicating liquors of any character or
origin whatever, and of intoxicating or alcoholic
bitters, so far as the said act relates to the fourth
election district of Queen Anne's county, as fully
and as amply as if the same had been embraced,
included, mentioned and particularly described
in section one of said act, as originally passed,
and as if same had been adopted by a
majority of the legal voters of said district, and
had been proclaimed as the law thereof by the
circuit court for Queen Anne's county, and that
How far
the prosecutions and penalties provided in sec-
tions two and three of the original acts of
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter four
hundred and fifty-three, be and the same are
hereby extended and made applicable to any
violation of the provisions and terms of said
law as amended, enlarged, and extended by this
amendatory enactment.
enlarged and
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect at the expiration of thirty days from
its passage.
Approved March 31, 1888.
When effec-
Chapter 170.
AN ACT to incorporate the Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Company of Worcester county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That William J. Aydelotte, C.
C. Lloyd, Francis H. Dryden, Jerome B. Hall,
Levin J. Houston, Alfred D. Merrill, Lloyd Wil-