and purchase and hold real, personal or mixed
property, and sell and dispose of the same for
the benefit of the town.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the bounds and
Bounds and
limits of said town are as follows : Beginning
at the point where the New York, Philadelphia
and Norfolk Railroad intersects the line dividing
the State of Maryland from the State of Dela-
ware ; thence running easterly by and with said
line two thousand five hundred and ten feet ;
thence south one degree, west seven hundred
and eighty-two feet ; thence north eighty-five
degrees and fifteen minutes, west two thousand
six hundred and nineteen feet to the said rail-
road ; thence south nine degrees and fifteen
minutes, west one hundred and fifty-five feet ;
thence north eighty-five degrees and fifteen
minutes, west nine hundred and fifty-three feet ;
thence north nine degrees and fifteen minutes,
east one thousand and fifty-three feet, to inter-
sect the said state line ; thence by and with the
same nine hundred and forty-seven feet, to the
first beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the legal voters
of the town of Delmar who have resided within
Elect commis-
the above corporate limits six months preceding
the election shall, on the second Tuesday of
April, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-
eight, and every two years thereafter, on the
second Tuesday of April, elect by ballot three
persons to be commissioners of said town, to
hold their office for two years from the date of
their election, and until their successors are
elected and qualified, and the service of said
commissioners shall be gratuitous and without
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the first elec-
where held.
tion shall be at some convenient place selected
by the judges thereof; that the judges of the
election shall be B. B. Gordy, B. W. Farlow and
W. B. Elliott ; that they shall appoint a clerk ;
that the polls shall be opened at nine o'clock
A. M. and closed at three o'clock P. M., when
the ballots shall be carefully counted and the
report filed with the commissioners of said town,
and certificates of election granted by the judges
to the commissioners so elected, and the future