elections shall be conducted by judges appointed
by the commissioners of said town, not incon-
sistent with the law of this state.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the judges of
election shall, before proceeding to hold an elec-
tion, take oath before some justice of the peace
of Wicomico county, to allow all persons to vote
who are qualified (registration shall not be
deemed a necessary qualification of voters), and
to allow none to vote unless qualified.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if any person
elected as commissioner shall refuse to serve as
Who to vote.
such, or his place shall become vacant by death,
resignation, disqualification or otherwise, the re-
maining commissioners shall, at the request of
ten citizens, call an election to fill his place, or if
no such request is made within ten days after
public notice is given of such vacancy, the re-
maining commissioners may fill his place from
among the qualified voters of the town.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That each commis-
Vacancy —
how filled.
sioner, before he acts as such, shall make oath,
before some justice of the peace that he will dili-
gently and faithfully, to the best of his skill and
judgment, perform the duties of commissioner
of said town without favor, partiality or preju-
dice ; and a certificate of such qualification shall
be made by the said justice of the peace, and
shall be filed and recorded among the records of
proceedings of said commissioners.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That at the first
ers to take
meeting they shall appoint one of their number
president, who shall preside at the meetings of
the board when present, give direction to the
bailiff by advice of the commissioners, and a ma-
jority of the commissioners shall constitute a
quorum to transact business.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said com-
Appoint presi-
missioners shall appoint a clerk, who may be one
of their number, and to prescribe his duties and
salary. The clerk shall keep a book or record of
the proceedings and ordinances of said commis-
sioners, which shall be open for inspection of
any person interested.
Appoint clerk
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said com-
missioners shall elect one of their number treas-
urer of the corporation, who shall keep an ac-
Elect treas-