How con-
shall be so construed as to direct or permit,
under any circumstances, the sale of spirituous,
fermented or intoxicating liquors in said dis-
trict, or the issuing of any license for the sale
or bartering of spirituous, fermented or intoxi-
cating liquors in said district, as the same is
now prohibited by existing laws in said district.
Approved March 20, 1888.
Chapter 165.
AN ACT to amend an act of the General As-
sembly of Maryland passed at the January
session, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
and entitled "An act to amend the charter of
the Peabody Savings Bank of Baltimore city."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the second section of the
How amended.
act passed at the January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, entitled "An act to amend
the charter of the Peabody Savings Bank of
Baltimore city," be amended so that the annual
election for directors of said savings bank, by
the present and future subscribers to the capital
stock, shall be held on the first Monday of May
in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight,
and annually thereafter.