tion, and that said judges shall make a return of
said votes to the clerk of the circuit court for
Somerset county, and said clerk shall imme-
diately make proclamation of the result of said
election by at least two insertions in some news-
paper printed in Princess Anne, in said county.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if it shall be
found, by said return of judges of election and
Ballots— who
returned to.
proclamation of the said clerk, that a majority
of said voters in Saint Peter's district has been
cast against the sale of beer and home-made
wines, that then and in that event it shall not
be lawful for any person or persons, or body cor-
porate, in said Saint Peter's district, in Somerset
county, to sell beer or home-made wines in said
district after the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and eighty-nine, and any person violat-
ing the provisions of this act shall, upon indict-
ment and conviction therefor, be fined not less
than one hundred dollars nor more than two hun-
dred dollars, and be imprisoned in the county jail
sixty days for each and every offence.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if it shall be
found, by said returns of judges of election and
How ratified.
proclamation of said clerk, that a majority of
said voters in said election district, to which this
act refers, have been cast for the sale of beer
and home-made wines, that then and in that
event the present law, now applicable to the sale
of beer and home-made wines in said Saint Peter's
district, shall so remain and continue in full force
therein, to all intents and purposes, as though
this act had not been enacted.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if a majority
How not rati-
of said voters shall be found, as aforesaid,
against the sale of beer and home-made wines,
then it shall not be lawful for the clerk of the
circuit court for Somerset county to issue any
license to sell beer and home-made wines to any
person or persons, or body corporate, in said
Saint Peter's district.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That nothing here-
When unlaw-
in shall be so construed as to control, effect or
abate any violations of or prosecutions pending
under any existing laws now in force in said
district, and whatever may be the result 'of the
election herein provided for, nothing thereby
How con-