SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said su-
pervisor shall have the power to hire such
Power of
horses, oxen, wagons, carts, plows and other im-
plements necessary for the successful perfor-
mance of his duties herein required of him as
supervisor of said roads, and at each monthly
meeting of said board of road commissioners he
shall submit to said board a statement showing
everything hired by him during the preceding
month, from whom the same were hired and the
sum agreed to be paid for the hire thereof ; but
nothing in this section shall authorize the said
supervisor to hire anything whatever, contrary
to the advice and order of the road commission-
ers of his district.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said board
Where to meet
of road commissioners shall meet at their office
in Prince Frederick on the second Tuesday of
every month in each year except the months of
December, January and February, at which
meeting they shall receive and carefully exam-
ine the accounts and statement made by the
'said supervisor as herein before provided for,
and from said accounts compute the number of
days each laborer has been employed on the
public roads in said county, and the number of
What consti-
tutes a day's
days the said supervisor has been engaged
therein, allowing in such computation ten hours
of active work to constitute one day, and
twenty-six days to constitute one month, and
each laborer shall be paid at the rate of twenty-
six dollars per month, and each supervisor
at the rate of thirty-five dollars per month,
and the said board of road commissioners shall
deliver to said supervisor and each laborer,
signed by at least 'two members of the board of
road commissioners, an order on the collector of
taxes for his election district for the sum of
money which may be found to be due to each of
them as aforesaid, and at each of said monthly
meetings, any person having a claim for the hire
Who to pre-
sent claim to.
of horses, oxen, wagons, carts, plows, or for any
implement hired by him to a supervisor of the
roads, may present the same to the said board of
road commissioners, and make affidavit before
one of said board of commissioners, as to the cor-
rectness of said account, and if the said board