district shall ride over and inspect the public
roads in their respective districts, and the said
commissioners shall advise and instruct the said
supervisors as to the manner in which the said
roads shall be mended and repaired, and when
they are to be widened, and the order of time in
which this work is to be done.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said road
supervisors shall employ five laborers not above
the age of fifty and not under the age of twenty-
one, to work with him on the public road in his
district. He shall keep an accurate account of the
exact hour at which each laborer begins his
work, and the number of hours he is engaged
therein each day he is so employed, and he shall
be present with said laborers the entire time,
directing and assisting them, and at every month-
ly meeting of said board of road commissioners
Number of
laborers to em-
he shall submit to the said board the account re-
quired to be kept as aforesaid, and make oath, to
be administered by one of said board, that the
said account is a true statement of the exact
number of hours each laborer was engaged in
active work on the public roads in his district
during the preceding month, and that he was
present with said laborers the entire time they
were so engaged ; and if, for any reason, the
Make oath to
said supervisor is compelled to be absent during
the time the said laborers are engaged in work
on said roads, in the monthly statement to be
submitted to the board of road commissioners as
aforesaid, he shall state the number of hours he
was so absent, with the reason for such absence,
and if he shall fail to keep and produce at said
monthly meeting an account, as above provided
for, or if any account so produced shall contain
any false statement, or if the said supervisor shall
fail to perform all the duties herein required of
him to the satisfaction of said board of road
commissioners, he shall be at once dismissed
from his position by said board and forfeit all
pay then due him for his services as road super-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the work on
State reason
for absence.
said roads shall begin on the first Monday in
April, and cease on the fifteenth day of October
of each year.
When to begin