Chapter 160.
AN ACT to provide for the repairs of the public
roads of Calvert county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That on the Tuesday next
Election for
road commis-
after the first Monday in the month of Novem-
ber, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-
eight, and on the same day every two years there-
after, there shall be held in each election districts
in Calvert county, an election for a road commis-
sioner of said district, at which each voter of
the said district entitled to vote for a Represen-
tative in Congress shall have the right to vote,
and the said election shall be held by the
judges authorized to hold an election for a Repre-
sentative in Congress, and the person having the
largest number of votes shall be deemed the duly
elected road commissioner for said district, and
the whole number of persons thus elected shall
constitute a commission to be styled the board
of road commissioners of Calvert county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That on the second
Tuesday in March succeeding their election, the
Meet and
said board of road commissioners shall meet at
Prince Frederick, in an office to be provided for
them by the county commissioners of said county,
and shall qualify by each taking an oath before
the clerk of the circuit court for said county,
"That he will faithfully and diligently, and to the
best of his ability, execute the office of road com-
missioner of Calvert county," and shall then
Elect presi-
organize by electing cne of their number to be
the president of said board, and on the same day,
or as soon thereafter as possible, they shall ap-
point a person from each election district to be
the road supervisor of said district, to serve for
two years, or until removed by the board of road
commissioners, and it shall be the duty of the
county commissioners of said county to provide
an office suitably furnished for the use of the
said board of road commissioners, and such
book as they may require.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That before the first
Inspect public
day in April next succeeding their election, the
road commissioners and road supervisor of each