producing an annual income not exceeding in
the aggregate twenty-five thousand dollars.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the
name of the said corporation shall be changed
to "St. Mary's Female Orphan Asylum of Balti-
more," but any devise, bequest, legacy, gift or
conveyance, which may have been or may here-
after be made to it by its previous corporate
name, or by any other, shall be equally valid
and effective in law as if made by its present and
true name, provided that the testator, donor or
grantor, as the case may be intended, or does or
shall intend, that it should benefit it thereby.
SEC. G. And be it further enacted, That any
court or magistrate of this state (including the
Change of
orphans' court of the several counties thereof
and the city of Baltimore) shall have power and
authority to commit to the care and custody of
the said corporation during her minority, any
white female infant between the ages of six and
fourteen years, who may by any law of this state
be committed to any charitable or reformatory
institution whatsoever, and any commitment pur-
porting and intended to be made under and in
pursuance of the authority and power hereby con-
ferred, shall be valid and effective in law with-
out regard to its form and despite any irregulari-
Who to com-
ties or defects in its language, and whenever any
infant shall be so as aforesaid committed to the
care and custody of the said corporation, it shall
be entitled to retain her in such care and custody,
during her minority, with full power in its dis-
cretion to bind her out as an apprentice, and such
minor shall not be removed from its said care and
custody by any person or for any cause what-
ever, without its consent, provided that the said
corporation may, in its discretion, refuse to re-
ceive any such minor or release her to her parent
or guardian.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That all pro-
Power to re-
tain in custody
visions of chapter seventy-one of the acts of as-
sembly of the session of December, eighteen hun-
dred and eighteen, and all other laws or parts of
laws inconsistent with the provisions of this act,
be and the same are hereby repealed.
cies repealed.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 23, 1888.