eral Assembly of Maryland of eighteen hundred
and seventy, chapter ninety-nine,' entitled 'An
act to lay off streets in Baltimore county, adjoin-
ing Baltimore city, and to repeal certain acts in-
consistent therewith ;' and also to repeal the act
passed at the January session of eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-two, chapter seventy-eight, en-
titled 'An act a supplement to an act,' entitled
'An act to lay off streets in Baltimore county,
adjoining Baltimore city, and to repeal certain
acts inconsistent therewith passed by the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland at the January ses-
sion of eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter
ninety-nine ;' and also to repeal an act passed at
the January session of eighteen hundred and
seventy-two, chapter three hundred and eighty-
seven, entitled 'An act to repeal section four of
an act passed by the General Assembly of Mary-
land at its January session of eighteen hundred
and seventy, chapter ninety-nine,' entitled 'An
act to lay off streets in Baltimore county, adjoin-
ing Baltimore city, and to repeal certain acts
inconsistent therewith," and so forth, and to re-
enact the same with amendments.......................
No. 543. An act to protect and preserve the fish in
the waters of Washington county, Maryland......
No. 544. An act to repeal section one, sub-section
three hundred and seven of the acts of eighteen
hundred and eighty-four, chapter two hundred and
ninety-three, entitled "An act to repeal sections
two hundred and ninety-eight, three hundred and
one, three hundred and two, three hundred and
three,three hundred and six and three hundred and
seven of article ninety-three of the Code of Public
General Laws, entitled 'Testamentary Law,' sub-
title 'Wills,' and to re-enact certain sections in
lieu of sections two hundred and ninety-eight,
three hundred and one, three hundred and two,
three hundred and six and three hundred and
seven of said article," and to re-enact the same
with amendments.................................................
No. 545. An act to repeal and re-enact with
amendments section three, of article thirty-seven