No. 539. An act to refund to Harry M. Cox, late
collector of taxes for second district of Anne
Arundel county, the sum of twenty-eight dollars
and seventy-four cents for money paid into the
treasury of the State of Maryland in excess of
the amount due by him to the State of Maryland
for taxes for the year eighteen hundred and
eighty-four .......................................................
No. 540. An act to enlarge and define the taxable
limits of Frederick city, and to repeal section
one hundred and seventy-six of the additional
sections added to article eleven of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Frederick County,"
relating to the powers and duties of the mayor
and aldermen of Frederick by the act of eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, chapter eighty-seven,
as repealed and re-enacted by chapter one hun-
dred and twenty-eight of the acts of eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight, and to enact a sub-
stitute in lieu thereof..........................................
No. 541. An act to repeal chapter three hundred
and twenty of an act passed January session,
eighteen hundred and eighty, entitled "An act
to repeal section twenty-six of chapter three
hundred and ninety-seven of an act passed Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
eight, entitled 'An act to incorporate the town
of Gaithersburg, in Montgomery county,' " and
to repeal and re-enact with amendments, section
two, section three, section six, section seven,
section eight and section twenty-six of chapter
three hundred and ninety-seven of an act passed
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
eight, entitled "An act to incorporate the town
of Gaithersburg, in Montgomery county ".........
No. 542. An act to amend sections seven and
eleven of chapter three hundred and ninety-nine
of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-six,
entitled "An act to repeal an act passed at the
January session of the general assembly of
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter four
hundred and forty-one, entitled 'An act to repeal
an act passed at the January session of the Gen-