SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said building committee,
upon entering into any contract, as mentioned in the preceding
section, shall forthwith make reports to the County Commis-
sioners and school commissioners of Anne Arundel county,
and the corporation of Annapolis, fully setting forth the terms
and character of said contract and the debts incurred thereby,
a synopsis of which report shall be duly published, in the
usual manner of publishing county expenditures.
Reports to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of paying
for said lot or lots, and erection and furnishing of said school
building, the school commissioners of Anne Arundel county
are hereby authorized and directed to borrow, on the endorse-
ment of the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel county,
who are hereby authorized and directed to endorse said bonds,
on the credit of said county, an amount not exceeding the sum
May borrow
of twenty thousand dollars, and to issue coupon bonds therefor
in sums of not less than one hundred dollars and not more
than one thousand dollars each, to be signed by the president
of the said board of school commissioners and countersigned
by the school examiner of said board, with the seal of said
board attached, and to be registered by the said school examiner
of Anne Arundel county, in a separate book kept for that pur-
May issue
pose; and said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five per
cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first day of May
and November in each year, until the said bonds shall be paid;
and said bonds shall be forever exempt from all taxation for
any purpose, and shall have printed on them a distinct refer-
ence to this act as authorizing the issue thereof; but said
bonds shall not be issued for the purposes set forth in this act,
until the corporation of Annapolis has appropriated the sum of
ten thousand dollars toward the purchase of said lot or lots, and
the erection and furnishing of said building; and it is hereby
enacted that the bonds to that amount, to be issued by the city
of Annapolis, to raise said sum of money, shall be forever
exempt from all taxation; and the said city is hereby authorized
and directed to issue bonds to the amount of ten thousand
dollars to raise the money to appropriate to the payment of said
public school building; provided, that the issue of said bonds
on the part of the city of Annapolis shall be simultaneous with
the issue of said bonds by Anne Arundel county, and that such
issue of bonds by the city of Annapolis shall be issued by the
said mayor, aldermen and counsellor of Annapolis, without
submitting the question of their issue to a vote of the citizens
of Annapolis, all provisions of the charter of- the said city oi
Annapolis to the contrary notwithstanding.
tion by city
of Annap-