by the Governor, and entitled to vote at the said voting place
at Taylor's Island at each and every election, and that all the
voters qualified to vote, residing within the area and lines of
the said district No. 16 or Madison district, shall be registered
and entitled to vote at each election in said district, by the
present register of Parson's creek district prior to its being
divided; and the Governor shall, at each General Assembly,
by and with the advice of the Senate, appoint a register for
each of said districts, and two magistrates for each of said
districts; and the County Commissioners f or Dorchester county
shall appoint two constables for each said districts, and a collec-
tor for each, or one collector for both, as they may judge best,
and shall have the power and authority to do whatever is
necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and all the
election officers necessary for holding elections shall be ap-
pointed for each of said districts as they are now, or may
hereafter be appointed for the other districts of said county.
Duty of Gov-
ernor and
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions of section
two hundred and seven to two hundred and fifteen, inclusive,
of article ten of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
titled "Dorchester County," sub-titled "Liquors and Intoxi-
cating drinks," shall be in full force and effect in each of the
said districts, the fourth or Parsons Creek district, and the
sixteenth or Madison district.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all laws or parts of laws
in conflict with this act, be and they are hereby repealed.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to extend the corporate limits of Saint Michael's,
Talbot County, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That article twenty of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title "Talbot County," sub-title "Saint
Michael's" be and the same is hereby amended by adding
thereto the additional section one hundred and fifty, and to be
as section 150 D.
SEC. 150 D. And be it enacted. That the taxable limits of
the town of Saint Michael's, Talbot County, Maryland, in
New sections.