obtained, and over, under and along any private property in
said county, the consent of the owner or owners thereof
first being had and obtained, and to connect the same with
any manufactory, public or private building, lamp or other
structure or object, car or conveyance, and in general to
manufacture, sell, furnish and supply electric light and electric
power or stored electricity and electrical machinery and sup-
plies for any and all purposes that may be desired or required,
and to use the necessary means to accomplish the purposes
of this incorporation.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all the interest and
affairs of the said corporation shall be controlled and managed
by the persons particularly named in the first section of this
act, or such of them as shall accept such duty or office, as the
board of directors of the said company, for and during the
first year after the passage of this act, and until their succes-
sors, as such board, shall have been duly elected and qualified,
pursuant to the by-laws and regulations which shall be estab-
lished by such board; and the said interest and affairs shall be
managed and controlled by a board of nine directors, stock-
holders in said corporation, elected by a majority of all the
votes of the stockholders, attend in person or by proxy, at the
annual meeting of the stockholders; each share of stock so
Board of
represented being entitled to one vote; and such board of
directors as aforesaid shall elect from among their number a
president, and may also elect a vice-president of their number,
and a secretary and treasurer; the board of directors, from
time to time, may and shall make, enact, alter and re enact any
and all lawful by-laws, rules and regulations touching the
organization of said company, the taking subscriptions to its
capital stock, the payment of such subscription, the issue and
transfer of certificates of stock, and the mode, constituting all
the affairs of said company, and shall have full power in law
and equity to enforce the same.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That said company,
within the scope of the full enjoyment of purposes herein-
before mentioned, shall have and enjoy, besides those powers
and privileges in this act particularly enumerated, all other
general powers, provisions and privileges conferred by the
general incorporation laws of this State, upon companies duly
incorporated under the same, and shall be subject to the
general regulations in such law; provided, as in so far as
altered by the provisions of this act, or any by-law or regula-