from receiving it, before any street, lane or alley, in whole or
in part, shall be so opened, extended, widened, straightened or
closed up; to provide for the amounts adjudged to be paid by
the owners or possessors who may be benefited by the opening,
widening, extending, straightening or closing up, in whole or
in part, any street, lane or alley in the town, and to enact and
pass all ordinances from to time which shall be deemed neces-
sary and proper to exercise the powers and effect the objects
hereinbefore specified.
Notice to be
30 A. Before the council shall pass any ordinance under the
preceding section, notice shall be given of any application for
the passage of such ordinance, once a week for four successive
weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in said town, and
by notices posted in at least tive prominent places in said
town; and before any commissioners, appointed by any ordi-
nance of said corporation under this and the preceding section,
shall proceed to the performance of their duty, they shall give
notice in a newspaper of general circulation in said town, and
by notice posted at public places in said town, of the object of
the ordinance under which they propose to act, at least two
weeks before the time of their first meeting to execute the
Contracts for
31. Whenever any work of any nature is "to be performed,
the estimated cost of which exceeds three hundred dollars,
which estimates shall be entered on the minutes of the council,
notice, of two weeks, shall be given, by posting in some con-
spicuous place in the town, and publication, at least four times
during that period, in some newspaper of general circulation
in the town, that bids will be received for said work; the
council may reject any or all bids and advertise anew; when
such contract is awarded it shall be by ordinance duly passed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.