vided, however, that said special tax shall not exceed one dol-
lar per month on any one house, to be paid by the owner or
occupant thereof as aforesaid.
29. The council shall keep and annually publish a tabular
statement of the receipts and expenditures of the funds of
the corporation, and such other matters connected with the
government and regulation of town affairs as they may deem
necessary and proper.
30. The council shall have power to lay water pipes or con-
struct sewers, and they shall have full power to provide for
laying out, opening, widening, straightening or closing up,
in whole or in part, any street, lane or alley within the limits
of the town, which, in their opinion, the public welfare or
convenience may require; to provide for ascertaining whether
Opening and
any and what amount in value of damage will be caused
thereby, and what amount of benefit, if any, will accrue
thereby to the owner or possessor of any ground or improve-
ments within or adjacent to the town, for which such owner or
possessor shall be compensated or should pay a compensation ;
and to provide for assessing and levying, either generally upon
the whole assessable property of the town, or specially on the
property of persons benefited, the whole or any part of the
amount of damages and expenses which they shall ascertain
will be incurred in locating, opening, extending, widening,
straightening or closing up the whole or any part of any
street, lane or alley in the town, and for the collection thereof;
Damages and
to provide for granting appeals to the Circuit Court for Mont-
gomery or Prince George's counties, as the case may be, from
the decisions of any commissioners, whom they are empowered
to appoint by ordinance to ascertain the damages which will be
caused or the benefits which will accrue to the owners or pos-
sessors of ground or improvements, by locating, opening,
extending, widening, straightening or closing, in whole or in
part, any street, lane or alley within the town, and for securing
to every such owner or possessor the right, on application
within a reasonable time, to have decided by jury trial whether
any damage has been caused or any benefit has accrued to him,
and to what amount; to provide for paying over the amount of
compensation adjudged to each person entitled, or investing it,
in the discretion of the corporation, in some stock or otherwise,
bearing an interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, for
the use of any such person who, because of their infancy,
absence from the town or any other cause, may be prevented
Right of