in said town for three months previous to any election shall on
the first Monday of May next, and every two years thereafter
on the same day, at such place as shall be designated by the
council, between the hours of six A. M. and six P. M., elect one
person, at least thirty years of age, mayor of said town, and
Mayor to he
six persons not less than twenty-five years of age, who, together
with the mayor, shall constitute the council, all of whom shall
have resided in said town at least one year previous to their
election; they shall receive no pay for their services, except
the mayor, who shall receive the fees hereinafter allowed.
13. The council shall have power to pass all ordinances
necessary for the good government of the town; prevent,
remove and abate, or cause to be removed or abated, all nuis-
ances or obstructions in or upon the streets, sidewalks, high-
ways or alleys, drains, sewers or water courses, or in or upon
any lot or lots adjacent thereto; to provide for imposing a tine
or fines upon any person or persons causing, creating or main
taining any such nuisance or obstruction; to remove or cause
to be removed houses or other obstructions or objects that may
be dangerous to property, health or persons passing along or
over any of the highways of the town or residing in the neigh-
borhood thereof; to make reasonable regulations in regard to
buildings to be erected in said town, and to grant building per-
mits for the same; to establish the grades of the streets, gut-
ters and sidewalks of said town, fix the width thereof and
prescribe the material of which they shall be constructed; to
cause the sidewalks along the said public streets to be
graded, paved, repaired or improved at the cost and expense
of the owners of the abutting property, which cost, in case
the work is done by, or by the order of, the mayor and
council, shall be a lien on such abutting property and recover-
able by action at law, or in the manner provided by law
for the collection of delinquent general taxes of the town
or delinquent State and county taxes, or compel, by tines or
otherwise, the owners or proprietors of any such lot or lots
to grade, pave or repair the sidewalks or set curbs in front
thereof, agreeable to ordinances which may hereafter be passed;
to cause the water courses, drains and sewers to be laid, paved,
kept in repair and cleaned; to purchase, lease or receive such
real and personal property as may be necessary or proper for
municipal purposes, and to control, dispose of and convey the
same for the benefit of the town; to erect and maintain such
buildings for municipal purposes as they may deem necessary
and proper; to construct and maintain public works for supply-
May pass ,