building committee for the purpose of having said courthouse
and jail erected, and selecting a site or sites therefor at La Plata
or Chapel Point, whichever shall, by said election, be declared
to be the choice of places for locating the county seat; and in
case of the death, refusal to act, or resignation of one or more
of said building committee, the remaining members of said
building committee shall fill such vacancy or vacancies; the
members of said committee shall serve without pay; a ma-
jority of them shall form a quorum for business and shall be
necessary for the decision of all questions arising in the dis-
charge of their duties; and said committee shall, as speedily
as may be, procure a site or sites for the erection of said build-
ings, by gift, purchase or condemnation, for and in the name
of the County Commissioners of said county; and if proceed-
ings of condemnation are necessary, they shall be instituted by
said building committee in the name of the County Commis-
sioners of Charles county, and the proceedings shall ba in con-
formity to the provisions of article 23 of the Code of Public
General Laws, sub-title "Condemnation of property by cor-
porations," so far as the same may be applicable hereunto ;
provided, that the Circuit Court for Charles county may con-
firm the same on such notice as shall be fixed by an order,
passed on said inquisition, of not less than ten nor more than
twenty days after the passage of this order.
Power of con-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said building committee shall
adopt a plan and specification for said buildings and the neces-
sary furniture therefor, and may contract for the same, having
first invited sealed proposals by advertisement or otherwise,
and the contract or contracts shall be awarded to the lowest
responsible bidder or bidders, who shall give good and suffi-
cient bond to the County Commissioners, to bo approved by
the said building committee, for the faithful performance of
said contract or contracts; and the said building committee are
hereby authorized to sell and dispose of the present court
house and jail lots and the buildings and materials thereon,
except in so far as any of said materials may be advantageously
used in the erection of the said new buildings, and by a good
and sufficient deed convey the same, and the proceeds of said
sale shall be part of the fund for electing the new buildings
herein provided for.
Power to
contract for
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That said buildings shall be
completed on or before the beginning of the July term of the
Circuit Court for said county, in the year eighteen hundred
and ninety-six, unless said building committee should otherwise
when to be