Judges and
of said election, election clerks and ballot clerks for said
election, shall be appointed by the said supervisors of election,
as now provided by law for such appointments for general
elections; and the challengers shall be nominated by the said
judges of election, by the respective parties representing the
different locations to be voted for; and said challengers shall
be permitted to exercise the same powers as are now exercised
under the Public General Laws of this State, by party chal-
lengers. The tickets to be furnished, as herein provided, shall
have printed thereon opposite the words hereinbefore required
to be printed thereon, in which the voter shall put his cross
mark thus (X) to designate for which location he has voted ;
and the same rules shall be observed by the judges of election,
as are now observed and practised in regard to defective and
improperly marked tickets cast at any general election held under
the laws of this State; provided, however, that if in counting
such ballots, if the said judges shall discover any private pen or
pencil marks or designation mark on any such ballots as would
seem to them to have been placed thereon by any vote for
the purpose of identification of his said ticket, in order that
he might be rewarded for his vote, the said judges shall reject
Return of
all such tickets as defective and the same shall not be counted.
Within two days after said election the return judges of the
said election for the respective districts of said county, shall
meet at the court house at Port Tobacco, and summarize the
result of the said election and make return thereof to the clerk
of the Circuit Court for said county, who shall immediately
thereafter make proclamation of the results of said election by
publication in the newspapers in the said county, and if it shall
be found by the return of said judges and the proclamation
of said clerk, that a majority of the votes cast at said election
were cast "For locating county seat at La Plata," thenceforth
La Plata shall be the county seat of said county, and a court
house and a jail, together with necessary offices for the trans-
action of public business, shall be built at La Plata; and upon
said return and proclamation, it shall be found that a majority
of the votes cast at said election were cast "For locating county
seat at Chapel Point," thenceforth Chapel Point shall be the
county seat of said county, and the public buildings and offices
hereinbefore mentioned shall be built at Chapel Point.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That John H. Mitchell, Dr. A.
J. Smoot, J. Hubert Roberts, William Wolfe, John W. War-
ring, Adrian Posey and George W. Gray, of Charles county
and State of Maryland, be and they are hereby constituted a