determine, and when so completed and accepted by the build-
ing committee, then the public records, offices and court for
the county shall be removed to the said buildings wheresoever
located (in conformity to this act) and occupy the respective
quarters allotted to them; provided, that until said buildings
are completed and ready for occupancy, it shall be the duty of
the County Commissioners to provide proper accommodations
for the holding of the courts and transaction of public business
either at Port Tobacco or at the place selected under the pro-
visions of this act for the location of said county seat.
May issue
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of raising
funds necessary for the building of said court house and jail,
furnishing the same, purchasing a site or sites therefor, if
necessary, and enclosing the same, the County Commissioners
of Charles county are hereby authorized to issue coupon bonds
of said county, to be denominated court house bonds, not to
exceed twenty thousand dollars, and in sums of not less than
one hundred dollars, from time to time as the same may
be required; the said bonds to be signed by the said County
Commissioners, countersigned and registered by the clerk to
said County Commissioners, to bear interest at the rate of not
more than five per cent, per annum, said interest to be payable
semi-annually on the first day of January and July respec-
tively, and not to be sold for less than the par value thereof
the principal of said bonds to be payable in forty years, with
the right to the County Commissioners to redeem them in
whole or in part, at any time after ten years; the said bonds
Exempt from
also to be exempted from all taxes, and the coupons thereon
when due, to be received by the collector in payment of
county taxes; and the County Commissioners shall levy on all
property subject to taxation, such sum or sums of money as
shall in their discretion be necessary for the prompt payment
of the interest of said bonds, and the principal thereof when
the same may become due, or they may determine to pay the
Bonds to be
sold as
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said building committee
shall, from time to time, notify the County Commissioners
what sums of money shall be needed, and it shall then be the
duty of the said County Commissioners to forthwith negotiate
the sale of a sufficient amount of said bonds to raise the
amount needed, and shall pay the same on the representation
of the building committee.