AN ACT to provide for the removal of the County Seat
of Charles County from Port Tobacco to La Plata or
Chapel Point, if the legal and qualified voters of said county
shall so determine, and to provide for the erection of a
courthouse and jail at such place as shall be so determined
on, and the procuring of a site or sites for the same, and to
authorize the County Commissioners of said County to bor-
row money and issue bonds for the payment therefor, and to
levy taxes for the payment of the principal and interest of
said bonds, appointing all officers for the disbursement of the
same, and for other purposes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the question as to whether the county seat of,
Charles county shall be located at La Plata or Chapel Point in
said county shall be submitted to the legal and qualified voters
of said county, at a special election to be held for that pur-
pose on the first Tuesday in June, eighteen hundred and ninety-
five, which election shall be held as follows: The sheriff of
said county shall give notice of such election, to be held by
virtue of this act, by advertisement inserted in three news-
papers published in said county, and by hand bills posted in
each election district in said county, at least two weeks before
said election, in which notice a copy of this act shall be inserted,
and the expenses of said advertisement and of the tickets pro-
vided for in section two of this act, and all other expenses inci-
dent thereto, shall be levied for and paid by the County
Question of
removal of
county seat
to be voted
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That at said election the legal
and qualified voters of said county are authorized to cast a
vote or ballot whether or not the county seat shall be located
at La Plata or at Chapel Point; and the ballots to be used in
said election shall be furnished by the supervisors of election
of said county in the same manner and form as is now pro-
vided by law for furnishing ballots for any election held in
this State under the Australian system, as enacted by chapter
538 of the Acts of Assembly of 1890, and the amendments
thereto, except that they shall not be required to place any
emblem on said tickets, but shall, only have printed thereon
the words "For locating county seat at La Plata, " and "For
locating county seat at Chapel Point, " respectively. The judges
To cast a