days from the date of said notice of said assessment in which, to
file objections to his, her or their assessments with the mayor
and city council, and shall be entitled to a hearing before said
Bight of
mayor and city council, and have the right of appeal from its
decisions within ten days after said decision is made to the
next term of the Circuit Court for Prince George's county,
and shall have the right to a jury trial in said court, upon giv-
ing bond with good and sufficient security for double the
amount of said assessment complained of; and if no appeal be
entered and bond given as aforesaid, or upon dismissal of said
appeal, said assessment shall be final.
tion of pro-
ceeds of
246 P. If any official, officer, agent of said town, shall apply
any part of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds to any other
purpose than those hereinbefore provided, or direct any part
of said sinking funds to any other purpose than those for
which they are created, he shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon conviction thereof, either upon presentment
and indictment by the Circuit Court, or on trial before a
justice of the peace of said county, he shall be imprisoned not
exceeding two years in the Eouse of Correction, or fined not
less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred
dollars, or both, in the discretion of said court or of said justice
of the peace.
May pass
246 Q. The mayor and city council of Laurel is hereby
authorized and empowered to pass all ordinances necessary to
carry out and into full effect the above provisions of this act,
and to employ all necessary and skilled agents to plan and
supervise said work, and to do all the necessary things in
relation thereto and to accomplish the same; and all work
provided to be done under the provisions of this act shall be
done by contract, after advertisements for bids with specifica-
tions, and the contractor shall give bond to the mayor and
city council of Laurel, with good and sufficient security or
securities, in double the amount of the contract, for the faithful
performance of the contract according to the plans and specifi-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.