246 M. The mayor and city council of Laurel is hereby
authorized and empowered to issue twenty years bonds, in
such denominations as it may see fit, and as the improvements
hereinbefore provided for are made, at a rate of interest not
exceeding five per centum per annum, to pay for the part of
said improvements hereinbefore required to be paid for by the
mayor and city council; said twenty years bunds shall not
exceed the aggregate stated in section 246 K, and shall be paid,
principal and interest, as provided in section 246 K.
May issue
246 N. The ten and twenty years bonds, hereinbefore au-
thorized to be issued by the mayor and city council of Laurel,
shall be signed by the mayor, countersigned by the treasurer,
and be attested by the clerk of the said town of Laurel, with
the corporate seal of said town of Laurel attached, and shall
bear interest, not exceeding five per centum per annum, from
date of their issuance, which said interest shall be payable
semi-annually, on the first day of January and first day of
How bonds to
be signed.
July in each and every year, from their issuance; and the said
bonds shall be sold by the treasurer on the order of the mayor
and city council of Laurel, for not less than their par value,
and the proceeds of said sale shall be deposited by the treas-
urer in bank, to the credit of the mayor and city council of
Laurel, and shall be paid out only on the order of the mayor
and city council, countersigned by the mayor and treasurer,
and said proceeds shall be applied only to the purposes for
which this act is passed, and no commissions or other com-
pensation shall be allowed for said services.
Bonds to be
246 O. Upon the completion of the grading and improve-
ments of any street in accordance with the provisions of this
act, when the same has been done upon the written application
of the property owners, and upon the assessment for said work
being made by the mayor and city council, the mayor and city
council shall give notice of said assessment and of the propor-
tionate part thereof per linear front foot of the land of each
land owner whose land abuts on the street improved, to the
said land owners on said street improved, said notice to be
given in case of residents by the treasurer leaving at his, her
or their residence such notice in the form of a written or
printed statement, and in case of non residents by at least two
insertions in some newspaper published in the town of Laurel,
if there is any such paper in such town, and if not, then in
some newspaper published in said county; any person in-
terested in or aggrieved by said assessment shall have thirty
Notice of
to owner of