SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
corporation shall be ten thousand dollars, divided into one
thousand shares of the par value of ten dollars each.
Capital stock.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That George W. Long, Lewis
R. T. Dixori, James A. Stevens, Clarence Hodson and Elijah
Boston, shall be the directors of the said milling company,
until the first Thursday in January, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-five, and shall serve as such until their suc-
cessors are elected, as hereinafter provided for, and such of
them as shall be present at their first meeting shall proceed to
organize the company by electing a president, superintendent,
secretary and treasurer thereof, and as soon thereafter as prac-
ticable, to adopt by-laws, provide the necessary books and
blanks, and otherwise prepare the company for the transaction
of business, and when so prepared, to exercise a general super-
intendence of the affairs of the company.
Board of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That a general meeting of the
stockholders of said Crisfield Milling Company, shall be held
annually on the first Thursday in January, at which meeting a
board of five directors among the stockholders shall be elected,
to serve for the ensuing year; but in case such election should
not be held on the same day the company shall not, in conse-
quence thereof, dissolve; but such election may be held at such
subsequent time as may be selected by the board of directors
or a majority of them; at all such elections each member shall
be entitled, in person or by written proxy, to one vote for
every share of unpledged stock standing in his name upon the
books of the company; but no member shall vote upon any
share or shares upon which any assessment on the capital stock
subscribed shall remain unpaid at the time of such election or
Meetings of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That whenever any person or
persons holding in the aggregate at least one-fourth of the
capital stock of said company shall desire a meeting of the
stockholders, and shall deliver a written request to the presi-
dent stating the purpose for which said meeting is desired it
shall be his duty forthwith to call a meeting of the stock-
holders by giving notice as may be provided in the by-laws for
the annual meetings, and stating the nature of business speci-
fied in the said written requisition; and any resolutions or pro-
ceedings passed or had at such meetings by a majority of the
voting shares present shall be binding on the president
directors and agents of the company.