Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," sub-title
"County Commissioners." be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments so as to read as follows:
113. The commissioners shall receive seven hundred and
twenty dollars a year each, payable monthly, and shall not be
entitled to any other remuneration whatever.
Pay of com-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to add a new Section to Article 75 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Pleadings, Practice and Process
at Law," heading "Practice," under the new sub-title "Legal
Sufficiency of Evidence," to follow section 87 and to be
designated Section 87 A.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and the same is hereby
added to article 75 of the Code of Public General Laws, head-
ing "Practice," under the new sub-title "Legal Sufficiency of
Evidence," to follow section 87, to be designated section 87 A,
and to read as follows :
New section.
87 A. If the defendant in any action at law in contract or in
tort shall, at the close of the plaintiff's evidence, and before
offering any evidence or defence, pray the court to instruct
the jury that the plaintiff in such action has offered no evi-
dence legally sufficient to entitle the plaintiff to recover, or a
prayer to the same effect, and the court shall reject such
prayer, the defendant shall not be precluded from offering
evidence of defence, but any defendant in such action may
offer evidence of defence as fully and to the same extent as
though such prayer had not been offered.
Legal suffi-
ciency of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.