manner as hereinbefore provided, such amount of such bonds
as may be so required; provided, that in such respective sales
none of said bonds shall be sold for less than their par value ;
and after such sales the bonds remaining unsold shall imme-
diately by the said board of County Commissioners and board
of school commissioners be burned.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 81 of the Public
General Laws, title "Revenue and Taxes," sub-title "Col-
lateral Inheritance Tax," to follow Section 115, and to be
designated as Section 115 1/2.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and the same is hereby
added to Article 81 of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Revenue and Taxes," sub-title "Collateral Inheritance Tax,"
to follow section 115, and to be numbered 115 1/2, and to read as
follows :
New section.
115 1/2. Whenever an interest in any estate, real, personal or
mixed, less than an absolute interest, shall be devised or
bequeathed to or for the use and benefit of any person or
object, not exempted from the tax under section 102 of this
article, then only such interest so devised or bequeathed shall
be liable for said tax; and it shall be the duty of the Orphans'
Court of the county or city in which administration is granted,
or any other Court assuming jurisdiction over such adminis-
tration, to determine as soon after administration is granted as
possible, on application of such person or object, the value of
such interest liable for said tax, by deducting from the whole
value of the estate so much thereof as shall be the value of the
interest therein of any person who, under said section 102 of
this article, is exempt from said tax, and the residue thereof
shall be the value of said interest upon which said tax is pay-
able; and said tax so ascertained shall be paid by such person
or object within 90 days from such ascertainment, with interest
subject to