gation; and good and sufficient deeds, leases or other convey-
ances thereof to make, execute and deliver under the direction
of the church council of said congregation; and the deeds,
leases or other instruments of conveyance, executed, acknowl-
edged and recorded by said corporation as other conveyances
are required by law, shall convey a good title in law to the
purchasers or lessees thereof.
Approved March 7th, 1S94.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the County Commissioners of
Washington County to refund to George L. Winter, of said
County, a certain sum of money for taxes erroneously paid
to said County Commissioners by him.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said County Commissioners of Washing-
ton county be and they are hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to refund and pay over to George L. Winter, of
said county, the sum of thirty-two dollars and fifty-seven
cents ($32.57), being money which the said George L. Winter
paid to the said County Commissioners of Washington county,
for county taxes, on property erroneously assessed to him by
said County Commissioners, for the years eighteen hundred
and eighty-nine, eighteen hundred and ninety, and eighteen
hundred and ninety-one,
To pay claim.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 7th, 1894.