of twenty-five hundred dollars; which sum shall be in full for
all claims of said sheriff against Carroll county or said County
Commissioners for his care, labor, responsibility and expense
in discharging 'the duties of his office, including the keeping
safely in jail of the prisoners committed to his custody, and
the cooking and serving to said prisoners of the provisions fur-
nished for them by the County Commissioners, as hereinafter
provided, and necessary washing for said prisoners and keeping
the jail in a clean and tidy condition; and the County Com-
missioners shall not pay said sheriff for any service he may
render in the discharge of his official duties any further or
other compensation, and shall not be in any way liable for any
fees now or which may hereafter be allowed said sheriff by
law, or for any further or other compensation than as above
provided, for the discharge of his official duties, except as
Fees of
follows: For every execution of the sentence of death by said
sheriff upon any person convicted of a capital offence, they
shall pay him the sum of three hundred dollars; for carrying
and conveying each person under sentence to any State institu-
tion, or to or from any of the jails of any of the counties of
the State, or the jails or station houses of the city of Balti-
more, or to or from any other place of confinement beyond
the limits of Carroll county, under the sentence or final order
of any authorized judicial authority, they shall pay him the
sum of fifteen dollars for one person so carried and conveyed,
and for each additional person so carried and conveyed at the
same time, ten dollars, and said compensation, so specified,
shall be held to include all expenses incident to the carrying
and conveying of such person or persons; provided, that as
far as is practicable, the said sheriff shall convey, and shall be
held and required to convey to each of said institutions or
other places of confinement, at one time, all persons in his
custody at such time, under sentence to be so conveyed and
confined in said institution or other places of confinement; and
for any prisoners in his custody sentenced to hard labor within
Carroll county, under any existing law or any law that may
hereafter be enacted, the County Commissioners shall pay said
sheriff for the control of said prisoners during the continuance
of said hard labor and the supervision of the work done by
them, such fees or compensation as may be prescribed for such
control of said prisoners, and supervision of their work, by the
law or laws under which said prisoners shall have been sen-
tenced; nothing in this section is, however, to be so construed
as to authorize the payment of any sum by the County Com-
missioners to said sheriff for the board or maintenance of said